ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

ARTICLE | The 5 Things You Need to Know for Better Website Translations

The 5 Things You Need to Know for Better Website Translations

For a website to be effective, it needs to reach people in their native language. There are 70% of Internet users out there who don’t speak English as their dominant tongue. Additionally, a majority of the would be more likely and would prefer to make an important purchase in their own language. In order to reach most users online and convert them into loyal customers, here are some of the best practices for 
professional website translation for foreign audiences.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

LIFESTYLE | Actively Reducing Stress Increases Health At The Genetic Level

Actively Reducing Stress Increases Health At The Genetic Level

Have You Ever Heard Of Telomeres?

If you’ve tied your shoes, you can understand telomerase. This is a substance that, for purposes of illustration, let’s say is found at the end of your DNA strands. Now, when you’ve got tape on a shoestring, that tape ends up keeping the lace together. Because of the tape, the lace doesn’t unravel.