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Thursday, September 28, 2017


IT (2017)

Let me start off by asking- what makes James Wan horror flicks compelling? The simple answer is- jump scares are injected at the right spots where you least expect it to be.

IT (2017)
Rating: 7 / 10 

Director: Andres Muschietti

Cast: Jaeden Lieberher (Bill Denbrough), Bill Skarsgard (Pennywise), Sophia Lillis (Beverly Marsh)

And how trite can a story get? Haunted house + outcasts with personal issues + nerd who read the history of the cursed town = stereotypical horror film. In other words, IT was too overhyped, with nothing much new to offer.

IT became one of those predictable scary movies where you already know who in the main characters will survive in the end; and it will end on a happy note. And also, I had an issue as to how the antagonist came to be and how simple it was to eradicate it Pennywise- in my own words "too convenient".

The last Stephen King movie I really appreciated is Carrie. Other than that, these stories are best enjoyed on paper. Not on wide screens.

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