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Thursday, September 22, 2016

CORPORATE | Retaining Millennials At Work... And Why We Are Self Centered

Retaining Millennials At Work... And Why We Are Self Centered

Been reading some articles of Cam Marston, a consultant who specializes in multigenerational communications and marketing. He discussed how to keep millennial employees. This is a very timely piece since we have started in our office, what we call "Thursday Themes", which requests everyone to come to work wearing the theme of the day. The best dress wins a price.

The question- "So are Millennials really self-centered?" Perhaps, is best answered when one recognize the fact that Millennials have been exposed to the uncertainties of life- what with wars, economic instability, crisis, illnesses, etc. Life is just too short, and as they say #YOLO!

Going back to the article, some interesting points that were presented include:

Millennial employees have different view about work. Whereas Baby Boomers tend to look at time as an investment to the future, the Millenials look at time as a currency. And Millennial use their time to enjoy "the now" hence requiring a work-life balance.

The boss plays an important part to the the Millennials. It has been found that the number one reason why Millenials stay in their job is because of their bosses. Since Millennials are self-centered, they need to have a "face time" and requires care and attention from their bosses.

Millenial employees are actually hardworker. But they demand that they are taught what to do, so they can do it the best way they can. To them, what is done now is left behind, and tomorrow is another day closer to the weekend to have fun.

Lastly, Millennials want to express their  unique preferences, so in order to boost morale, Millennials need some creative avenues to show that they are different from everyone else.

The question- "So are Millennials really self-centered?" Perhaps this is best answered when one recognize the fact that Millennials have been exposed to the uncertainty of life, what with wars, economic instability, crisis, illnesses, etc. Life is just too short, and as they say #YOLO!

How interesting to understand the dynamics of the people in the office. Now that I have an understanding about the underlying nature of Millennials, it will help me create better plans for me and my colleagues. Something that makes me uberly excited.

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