ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Thursday, April 14, 2016

REVIEW | Spa and the Wellness Lifestyle: Focus on the Growth of Spa and Wellness in the Philippine Market

Spa and the Wellness Lifestyle: Focus on the Growth of Spa and Wellness in the Philippine Market

What is it about wellness that drives people the extra miles to achieve it? Nowadays, the idea of going to the gym to have the perfect body; of selecting organic food as opposed to junk food; of undergoing aging reversal surgeries- all these have become all too common that 10 years ago, were not deemed necessary for people. Well times have changed. People's orientation are now geared towards achieving the lifestyle balance. On the one end, you have the stressful work milled around one's neck; and on the other is the constant search for relaxation.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

ARTICLE | KoPinoy: Local Variety of of Coffee and Tropical Shakes

KoPinoy: Local Variety of of Coffee and Tropical Shakes 

Drinking coffee has undeniably become a part of the Filipino way of living be it from the traditional roasted rice to the expensive branded coffee products that come in tall, grande and venti sizes. No one can deny the Filipinos’ love for coffee. Studies in the United States alone found that more than half of the people (55%) in their country consume coffee creating a “loyal coffee culture.” Perhaps this is the reason why coffee shops started sprouting in the last five years. Businessmen have realized the potential of mixing not just coffee, but also the passion for coffee and the need for a space where people can just sit back and relax.

Friday, April 1, 2016

REVIEW | Canon Legria HF R36 Video Camera

Canon Legria HF R36 Video Camera

Disclaimer: I won't claim so much as an expert for product reviews, especially electronic gadgets and most of the information I'm sharing were culled up from the Internet. Sole purpose of this review is to answer some unpopular questions.