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Friday, March 25, 2016

EVENT | That Special Song of Good Friday

That Special Song of Good Friday

How are you spending this very special time of the year? As for me, I went to the Church with my mom and sister. It was a 4-hour mass at the St. Ferdinand Cathedral but that's okay. I always go with my mom and sister to church every Good Friday. This year is very special because I have not been with them for the last two years, so I am very happy to spend time with them at the Church.

Ryan Cayabyab (born Raymundo Cipriano Pujante Cayabyab on May 4, 1954 in Manila, Philippines but known as Mr. C) is a Filipino musician, composer and conductor; he was Executive and Artistic Director for several years of the defunct San Miguel Foundation for the Performing Arts. He was also a resident judge for the only television season of Philippine Idol, broadcast in 2006 (Source, Wikipedia)

Anyhow, during the mass, the choir sang this beautiful song in Italian and I instantly fell in love with it (see the video above). I though this was written by some foreign artist, but I found out that this was actually arranged by Filipino Ryan Cayabyab, originally sand by Three of a Kind. The song is based on the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Read and listen to the song. Lyrics below:

Arranged by Ryan Cayabyab

Il Signore, mi rende uno strumento della vostra pace
Lord make me, make me an instrument of your peace

Dove ci e odio, lascarlo seminare l'amore
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Dove ci e ferita, perdono
Where there is injury, pardon
Dove ci e dubbio, fede
Where there is doubt, faith
Dove ci e disperazione, sperare
Where there's despair, hope
Dove ci e nerezza, illuminarsi
Where there is darkness, light
Dove ci e la tristezza, gio-ia
where there is sadness, joy

* Oh Divine Master, grant that i may not so much seek..
to be consoled, as to console..
to be understood, as to understand..
to be loved, as to love (as to love..)

for it is in giving, that we received..
it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned..
it is in dying, that we are born again..
it is in dying, that we are born again..
it is in dying, that we are born again.. to eternal life..
(Il Signore, mi rende uno strumento della vostra pace)

Lord make me, (Il signore) make me an instrument..
of your peace

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