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Thursday, January 28, 2016

MOVIE REVIEW | Stonewall (2015)

Stonewall (2015)

Please watch ‪#‎PriscillaOfTheDesert‬ & ‪#‎BrokeBackMountain‬
Parang nag fuse yung 2 movies na to sa ‪#‎Stonewall‬....
It could have been a better film kung nag focus yung story sa isang central theme...

I liked the film, although medyo loose ang narrative. It was like trying to force the audience to like it... too many themes mashed up in two hours.
The end where the father did not accept Danny as his son, was (IMO) a pivotal point in the film that makes a statement- "We don't have to force ourselves to people who don't like us."

And the conflicts are just too predictable... the melodramatic part with Danny & Ray didn't work very much as it should have been. Pero yung kay Trevor & Danny, was also a tragic theme which could have been played better pero was disregarded in the end. I'll give it 6 out of 10 rating.

Note: Watch ‪#‎TheDanishGirl‬ & ‪#‎AlbertNobbs‬, so you see the reference for critquing Stonewall

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