ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Monday, November 2, 2015

ARTICLE | Defining A Leader

Defining A Leader

Who said being a leader was an easy task? Does it boost self-confidence with the assumption of power and dominance over subordinates? This writer would like to think otherwise. People who regard this kind of leader must have not experienced the genuine nature of becoming one.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

ARTICLE | Analyzing American Management

Human Resources Functions

In 2011, I had the privilege of working with Americans in a company operating in Saudi Arabia. As a Filipino, I have observed the striking differences with the way Americans work and how they manage people. 

JOURNAL | Cheche Lazaro as Inspiration

Cheche Lazaro as Inspiration

In our everyday search for that one person who may lead us to believe that there is still hope for a brighter future, we often fail. When we finally meet one, no matter how rare the case may be, the spark comes alive again and the embers start to burn. We find ourselves looking up and striving to reach the ideals set by that person who inspired us to hope and dream once more.

ARTICLE | Birdwatching in the Philippines

Birdwatching in the Philippines

In this advance age of ours, where most of our activities are occupied by technological devices, we sometimes take for granted that there are still things in life that cannot be replaced by artificial human creation.