ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Friday, October 31, 2014

LIFESTYLE | Language Barrier... and the Funny Side Of It All

Language Barrier... and the Funny Side Of It All

Funny Conversations

English is a universal language, and although there are existing grammatical rules; the language is still modified depending on which culture English is used. I'm no nazi when it comes to grammar, and I embrace the fact that people have the right to express however and whatever they feel in the closest words they can think of. The only thing is, it sometimes become funny, but hey I'm not complaining.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

SPECIAL | Happy Diwali

Wishing all our Indian brothers and sisters who are celebrating Diwali Festival- a joyous and prosperous Diwali to you and your family. Stay blessed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

TRAVEL | The TOP Expats Destinations Are...

The TOP Expats Destinations Are...

TRIVIA TIME! Did you know that according to the latest results of InterNations Survey (2014), Ecuador is the TOP expat destination in the world... (makes me wonder why?)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

MOVIE REVIEW | Gone Girl (2014)- Funny, Sinister and Mind Boggling

Gone Girl (2014)- Funny, Sinister and Mind Boggling

To be fair, I won't disclose anything on the narrative of the movie. One has to go and see it to actually realize how it is. What I will be writing in this review is basically how I feel about the overall treatment of the film.

Friday, October 17, 2014

MOVIE | Gone Girl (2014)

Saw "Gone Girl" last night at Vox Cinema in City Center Seeb. I am not a Ben Affleck fan (though I am not really a fan of many Hollywood names), but this movie directed by David Fincher, based on the book by Gillian Flynn, just left me and my colleagues last night utterly disturbed.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

TRAVEL | Prologue to Personal Travel Guide

Prologue to Personal Travel Guide 

When I was in high school and university, I had this habit of re-writing everything I wrote on my notebook. Back  then, laptops are not common so everything had to be done manually. So yes, it was through pen and paper that I write notes over and over again. Time consuming but makes retention of details longer. In other words, the information becomes more long term compared to works done by typing on a keyboard.