ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

TRAVEL | Chapter 1 - Night in Hongdae

Chapter 1 - Night in Hongdae

Let me talk in the third person to add some spice.

He descended the subway, all alone now at midnight in Seoul. It was only he and his big heavy backpack roaming the now empty streets of Hongdae. He was playing cool pretending that everything was all right. He tried to navigate the streets using his hunch. He was pretty confident that Kimchee Hostel shouldn't be so far. So he walked here and there, until he couldn't take it anymore. It was close to 1am and his back had started to ache.

TRAVEL | Uncomfy Experiences from Dubai to China to Korea via China Eastern 756

Uncomfy Experiences from Dubai to China to Korea via China Eastern 756

I've been putting this off for a while now but the itch to blog this just won't go away. And since we're closing the final days of 2014, I guess it's only fitting to get this done once and for all.

Monday, December 29, 2014

REVIEW | New Year Superstitions

New Year Superstitions

You know how as Filipinos, we tend to be very superstitious on important events, like New Year for instance. When we were young, our parents taught us the DOs and DON'Ts at the struck of midnight. Now when I think about how strange our superstitious belief system is, I just laugh about it.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

JOURNAL | Day 516 In Oman

Day 516  ( 1 year, 4 months, 28 days )

We are about to enter the last month of the year. Only 31 days left before we bid 2014 adieu. These past few days I have been thinking about many random things- past, present, future. Things that have been done, and many more that should have been. At 28 years of age, you start pondering on things that you think should matter. But what really matters?

Friday, October 31, 2014

LIFESTYLE | Language Barrier... and the Funny Side Of It All

Language Barrier... and the Funny Side Of It All

Funny Conversations

English is a universal language, and although there are existing grammatical rules; the language is still modified depending on which culture English is used. I'm no nazi when it comes to grammar, and I embrace the fact that people have the right to express however and whatever they feel in the closest words they can think of. The only thing is, it sometimes become funny, but hey I'm not complaining.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

SPECIAL | Happy Diwali

Wishing all our Indian brothers and sisters who are celebrating Diwali Festival- a joyous and prosperous Diwali to you and your family. Stay blessed.

Monday, October 20, 2014

TRAVEL | The TOP Expats Destinations Are...

The TOP Expats Destinations Are...

TRIVIA TIME! Did you know that according to the latest results of InterNations Survey (2014), Ecuador is the TOP expat destination in the world... (makes me wonder why?)

Saturday, October 18, 2014

MOVIE REVIEW | Gone Girl (2014)- Funny, Sinister and Mind Boggling

Gone Girl (2014)- Funny, Sinister and Mind Boggling

To be fair, I won't disclose anything on the narrative of the movie. One has to go and see it to actually realize how it is. What I will be writing in this review is basically how I feel about the overall treatment of the film.

Friday, October 17, 2014

MOVIE | Gone Girl (2014)

Saw "Gone Girl" last night at Vox Cinema in City Center Seeb. I am not a Ben Affleck fan (though I am not really a fan of many Hollywood names), but this movie directed by David Fincher, based on the book by Gillian Flynn, just left me and my colleagues last night utterly disturbed.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

TRAVEL | Prologue to Personal Travel Guide

Prologue to Personal Travel Guide 

When I was in high school and university, I had this habit of re-writing everything I wrote on my notebook. Back  then, laptops are not common so everything had to be done manually. So yes, it was through pen and paper that I write notes over and over again. Time consuming but makes retention of details longer. In other words, the information becomes more long term compared to works done by typing on a keyboard. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

DANCE | Bailando Salsa Choreography

Bailando Salsa Choreography

Coreografía de salsa sobre la canción Bailando de Enrique Iglesias. Coreógrafos y profesores Paloma y Jose del gimnasio Vals Cónsul de Málaga, clase de Latino. La humilde edición del video a sido cosa mía. Espero que guste (Enrique Iglesias - Bailando, Coreografía Salsa Gimnasio Vals Cónsul Latino Málaga (Paloma y Jose), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4JeEohUzrs)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

JOURNAL | Post Vacation Blues

There are days when you just don't feel like moving or getting up from bed.

And this has to be one of those days!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

SPECIAL | Eid Mubarak

A very special greetings to all our Muslim brothers and sisters who are celebrating the holy Eid Al Fitr. We are one with you in prayers, especially for world peace and harmony. Have a blessed day.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

DANCE | Salsa in a Foreign Land

Salsa in a Foreign Land

When I moved to Oman in 2013, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to a new form of latin dance- Salsa and Bachata. Unlike other social dances, salsa and bachata are two very popular dances in night clubs, not just in Oman but in most metropolitan cities of the world.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SPORTS | WORLD CUP 2014, Final Match - Germany vs Argentina

WORLD CUP 2014, Final Match - Germany vs Argentina

And now we are down to the final stage of the World Cup 2014 (play PitBull and JLo's We Are One in the background).

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

NEWS | Cyclonic Storm "Nanauk" Heading to Oman

Cyclonic Storm "Nanauk" Heading to Oman

Oh no, it looks like we're expecting some whiplash this weekend!

The Oman weather forecast center has announced the landfall of a strong cyclone in the sultanate. For people who come from countries where cyclone (hurricane) is common, you need to understand that Oman has a very different story. The Sultanate is rarely visited by storms and even with small rains, the roads get flooded- what more with a storm?! But we all just have to be vigilant and cautious during this time. Keep safe!

Monday, June 9, 2014

EVENT | Social Night at Trader Vics Every Wednesdays

Social Night at Trader Vics Every Wednesdays

Rock Bottom has (temporarily) stopped the Salsa nights. 
But that doesn't stop us from dancing.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

SPORTS | Kevin-Prince Boateng of FC SCHALKE 04

Kevin-Prince Boateng of FC SCHALKE 04

Okay so I am blogging this already! 

My German colleague was kind enough to let us borrow his football shirts, and the one that he gave me had an actual autograph on its back. Wow, I was never an avid football fan but to have something as important as this, to let somebody else wear it, was already enough statement.

Friday, May 2, 2014

NEWS | The MERS Virus

The MERS Virus

There is an increase alert level on the MERS Virus which ironically is spreading in the Arabian Peninsula. In fact, 100 deaths have been recorded already in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and also caused a number of deaths in Europe. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

DANCE | Lambada... Re-living Childhood Memories

Lambada Kaoma

Last week was very nostalgic.

We did lambada in our latin dance class, and my childhood memories came flashing right before me. Never have I imagined that I would actually dance this 1989 song in 2014. Whoa, that was like 26 years in the making, or waiting rather.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

JOURNAL | Idiom #3 : Reinventing the wheel

Idiom #3 : Reinventing the wheel

I heard this idiomatic expression when my American boss was having a meeting with our Chinese clients. Everybody in the table was discussing how to make construction processes more efficient.

Monday, April 7, 2014

JOURNAL | Idiom #2 : Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Well, to be honest I can't remember anybody using this idiomatic expression. It's just that it keeps on ringing to my ears because of that song. But then again, it helps to really understand the meaning of this one.

JOURNAL | Idiom #1 : Throw the baby out with the bath water

Throw the baby out with the bath water

In this series, I would like to discuss some really interesting idiomatic expressions I have heard at least once in my professional career.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

TRAVEL | Wondering For The Most Efficient Itinerary... Vacation in 2014

Wondering For The Most Efficient Itinerary... Vacation in 2014

I only have an hour to draft this vacation itinerary.
Listed below are the possible options for the summer vacation. Nothing is final yet.
Everything will depend on available resources. However, the top option in my list will be Korea, India, Laos and Vietnam. Singapore is fixed and will definitely be a part of the trip. The Philippines remain to be dependent on the outcome of the other options.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

JOURNAL | Take the Pledge... Earth Hour 2014

Take the Earth Hour Pledge on Saturday 29th of March from 8.30pm to 9.30pm

Join the Environment Society of Oman in partnership with The Wave, Muscat in celebration of Earth Hour. The event will held at The Wave, Muscat with performers, entertainers and more.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

EVENT | Muscat Hills Quiz Night

Muscat Hills Quiz Night

Up for a little challenge?
The Muscat Hills Clubhouse will be in full operation with alcoholic beverages as of tomorrow, Wednesday 26th March. The Quiz Night will also take place tomorrow, Wednesday 26th March at 7:45pm.

Monday, March 24, 2014

JOURNAL | Left Behind

Down the Road
What is it about leaving that makes people pause for a while? 

Friday, March 21, 2014

JOURNAL | Ponderings


A person who is poor is not necessarily unhappy.
In as much as, a person who is rich does not mean he's happy. 
You can be lacking with money, but surely would not lack of family.
In as much as, you can pay for everything but could not see value for anything.
For happiness comes beyond what this world has to offer.
And that our state of living does not define our sense of existence.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

TRAVEL | Weekend Getaway at Salalah Marriott Resort

Weekend Getaway at Salalah Marriott Resort

For Omani nationals and residents, here's your chance for a much deserved weekend getaway only at Salalah Marriott Resort for just 45 RO.


Monday, March 17, 2014

TRAVEL | General Arabic Etiquette and Omani Hospitality

General Arabic Etiquette and Omani Hospitality

Stay abreast with knowledge of Arab etiquette, basic communication skills and traditional hospitality.
By the National Hospitality Institute, expert training in Oman.

Saturday, March 15, 2014



From Think and Grow by Napoleon Hill

CORPORATE | Common Expressions At The Office

Common Expressions At The Office

A few common expressions written on my small notebook. 
I have this habit of writing down nice expressions I hear from people I talk to.

TRAVEL | Tale of a Country's Twisted Logic

Tale of a Country's Twisted Logic

I just had to write this and get it out of my chest.
After reading this article about "the Bureau of Immigration requiring all tourists proof of financial capability to travel" all my horrific encounters with the BI flashed back before my very eyes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

EVENT | Bike Tour Event at Juweira Boutique Hotel (Salalah)

Special Bike Tour event, special beverage promotion taking place on March, 12th 2014 at Juweira Boutique Hotel (Salalah).

For reservations, contact +968 23 23 9600 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

FOOD | Almouj Golf Themed Cuisine Nights Are Back Again

Almouj Golf Themed Cuisine Nights Are Back Again

Back by popular demand; themed buffet and a’ la carte’ nights at Almouj Golf Restaurant.

Monday, March 10, 2014

EVENT | Gabriel Peri Paul Eluard Gallimard 1966

Finally, we're done with our French poem recital!
And I must say- a job well done, tres bien.

I must also admit that it was both nerve wracking and exciting at the same time. I felt like I was reconnected to my theater side once again, and that I owned the stage that night as if nothing was in front of me (when in fact a crowd of native speakers were all eyes, ready to judge how I'll mess up).

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

JOURNAL | Exprimez Votre Opinion

Exprimez Votre Opinion

A votre tour, reagissez au theme de l'emission de radio de l'activite 8. Exprimez votre approbation, votre desapprobation ou votre indifference par ecrit sur le site internet de radio. Justifiez votre opinion avec deux arguments au minimum (80 mots).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

TRAVEL | Travel Tips 2014 Edition

Travel Tips 2014 Edition

I'd like to share a very useful and interesting article I read from CNN.com (click link for the original article) entitled- Doh! 20 Biggest Travel Mistakes by Chuck Thompson (Aug 2013).  This is interesting (and lengthy) because most of the points brought up here are actually true (some can be contentious but still useful). Most of the info here are written by CNN's travel team.

Disclaimer : I do not own this article and simply sharing this to our travel readers.