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Monday, November 25, 2013

TRAVEL | Backpacking Dubai 2013

Backpacking Dubai 2013

A day in Dubai

Dubai is a really nice place to visit simply because the transportation system in this Arab emirate is highly developed among all other Arab countries. The subway runs through the most important parts of the city. Taxis are cheap and drivers are knowledgeable of the destination. 
The only thing that a backpacker should get wary of are prices of shopping items. They don't come cheap. So better save up a little more when you intend to do some spending. Food though is reasonable.

09:00am - Breakfast at the hotel. I'm never the breakfast kind of person but as I'm on a BB basis, then might as well take a bite. At the mezzanine, I saw the many Russians filling up their plates. I never realized that Russians are also travel enthusiasts.

09:30am - I saw the sign "swimming pool" and I was like, great I can swim. Then I looked for the pool and got lost. I mistakenly tried to open another guest's room thinking it was the pool entrance. Turns out the pool is on the rooftop, but all drained up. Poor me. 

10:30am - Met the hotel managers and introduced myself. I thanked them for the warm welcome and hospitality.

11:00am - The DSLRs started shooting- me and my friend took turns taking photos of ourselves. Every corner, everywhere is a photo op for us.

11:30am - Reached Dubai Mall. Saw a Dubai Bus Tour and took our photos there. Inside the mall, we had to wait until the metro opened. So we walked and walked, stopped by a bookstore. I found myself a 2014 organizer... yipee, just perfect.

12:00noon - The metro opened up so we rushed along with the flood of people.

12:15pm - Literally pressed on the train's walls, the pungent smell of the Arab man at the back of was simply appalling. All we could do was to console ourselves with the thought that this too shall pass. 

1:00pm - Reached Emirates Mall and thought "where the heck is the escalator?"

1:10pm - Taxi took us to Souq Jumeirah where we could have a good view of the Al Arab building. It was an iconic building for Dubai and infamous in the region. Only the rich and popular goes in that building. Not that I care of anyway.

2:00pm - Lunch at this Noodles house, Chinese resto apparently. Friend had Norisengan, whatever something rice... and I had sweet and sour chicken. But friend found that what comes with the rice is duck, and since she doesn't eat duck, I had to gorge on it.

2:30pm - Too sleepy already. Heavy lunch that was.

3:00pm - Walk, walk, walk around Jumeirah souq until we got lost and found ourselves in Wild Wadi. And that's where we decided that on my next visit, we'll hit the waters of Wild Wadi. So we better get in tip top shape. But I think I will have to work hard to get that perfect body for a perfect water adventure.

5:00pm - Got in the bus. Going where- God knows! And when we alighted, we had to take the metro in order to get to Burj Khalifa.

5:30pm - Friend was walking barefoot on the runway. 

6:00pm - Reached Burj Khalifa and watched the fountain show. It was impressive but short. Really short.

7:00pm - Walked around the Mall, passed by the Aquarium.

8:00pm - Went home with friend and rested for a while.

8:30pm - Dinner at "Tipanan" with Bulalo, yum yum! While friend cried because of Sir Chief and Maya's wedding, lols.

10:00pm - Went to a bar and had some beer. But before I can enter, the security had to check my ID to make sure that I am of legal age. Come on, I am 27. 

01:30am - The Filipino band was playing "Hotel California" in a salsa rhythm.

01:45am - A local came and started ordering more beer and attempted to order "Lechon Baboy" but I couldn't bare to eat anymore since I was too full.

02:00am - The club closing so we had to go now. Bought toothpaste from the store courtesy of the local guy.

04:00am - Slept for a little bit at a fellow's bed. Sorry dude for occupying your space. 

08:00am - Woke up and called friend to deliver the post cards and get my sunglasses.

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