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Sunday, August 4, 2013

JOURNAL | French Classes 2.0

French Classes 2.0

Today marks the beginning of my French adventure. I am giving myself a second chance of learning French all over again. And this time I really want to make it right. I was not the best student back in the heydays, but I swear- I am going to exert effort to learn the language.

Our chauffeur was telling me about how in this time and age, knowing another language is vital for success. I agree with him.

I remember those French class days in UP Diliman. Everyday was a drag for me. I lost all desire to excel in my class just because I had no reason whatsoever to learn the language. On top of that, I had my family at the back of my mind. That when I had to buy some French textbooks to keep up with the class's progress, I decided to save the money so as not to add to financial burden.

But things are so much better now. I am equipped with all the tools that I need- the books, Internet, French speaking colleagues, and time. Now I don't have to juggle with other subjects. I only have French to deal with. 

I have no reason to fail this time.
And I will not fail.
I will speak French.

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