ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Saturday, August 31, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW | Philadelphia


I was 7 years old when this movie came out. Back in 1993, AIDS was still unknown and people were clueless about what this dreaded this all about. They only had fear about the sickness. And people who contracted the disease became unwilling victims of social discrimination.

Friday, August 30, 2013

BOOK | Just in- Revenge Wears Prada / French Short Stories

Revenge Wears Prada

Got a copy of the sequel to "The Devil Wears Prada (Lauren Weisberger) and I'm just so excited to finish this book today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 5 : Le Telephone

Journal 5 : Le Telephone

le 27 aout 2013

Aujhourd'hui tout le monde est alles a KFC pour le dejeuner. J'etais seul dans le bureau. Ensuite, le telephone a sonne. J'ai decroche le telephone et parle avec la personne. En angalis, j'ai dit, "Allo..." mais la personne a repondu en francais. Donc, j'ai repondu, "Bonjour, comment tu t'appeles?" En fait, je n'ai pas compris le nom de la personne mais j'ai realise que c'est impoli d'utiliser "tu" avec  un etranger particulierement quand c'est ton client au telephone.

JOURNAL | Journal 4 : La Semaine Derniere

Journal 4 : La Semaine Derniere

le 25 aout 2013

La semaine derniere, je ne suis pas alle n'importe ou. Je suis reste a la maison. J'ai beacoup dormi. J'ai fait la lessive. Et j'ai nettoye ma chambre.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

JOURNAL | Upcoming Entries : August 25 - 30

Upcoming Entries : August 25 - 30

It's Omani week for my blog next week so expect to read some Omani related topics. A few things to write about in the coming weeks,

JOURNAL | Journal 2 : Comment Cuire Des Spaghettis

Journal 2 : Comment Cuire Des Spaghettis

le 19 aout 2013

Ce soir, j'ai fait cuire des spaghettis. Il est facile. Il faut juste faire bouillir de l'eau et ajouter de l'huile et du sel pendant 5 minutes.

JOURNAL | Journal 1 : Pourquoi Je Veux Apprendre Le Francais Encore

Journal 1 : Pourquoi Je Veux Apprendre Le Francais Encore

le 18 aout 2013

Je veux apprendre le francais parce que je veux continuer mes etudes a l'universite.
J'ai etudie le francais pendant que deux ans mais je me suis arrete.

LIFESTYLE | Debunking Beauty Myths from Idol Kim's Stand Up Comedy

Debunking Beauty Myths from Idol Kim's Stand Up Comedy

I know this is kind of lame to discuss something that comes out of a comedy spectacle. But you know, there are some truths that we'll find useful in some comedian's insights. Though they may be quite exaggerated, there is still that universal truth ingrained within every exaggeration.

MOVIE REVIEW | James Wan's "Insidious" and "The Conjuring"

James Wan's "Insidious" and "The Conjuring"

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to watch two scary movies. I'm not a fan of scary movies to be honest. I just feel like this genre is just a waste of time. Plus, I have a vivid imagination which does not help when you go to bed at night and the lights are all off.

But still I watched the movie. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

LIFESTYLE | Jokes are Culture Sensitive

Jokes are culture sensitive

I was telling my colleagues some homegrown Filipino jokes translated to English and the effect... well not so much funny as expected but still works. And then it hit me- you can't expect people to just get jokes, and you don't really get to explain a joke otherwise that defeats the whole point. I just felt like a sore loser when I had to explain this and that about a joke that I cracked.

LIFESTYLE | Wanda Sykes on First Black President

Wanda Sykes on First Black President

I find Wanda Sykes really funny. It's the way she delivers her lines that really tickles me. I mean, I can't copy how she does what she does. And best part of it is she is so natural at it. The mere image of Wanda is enough to make you smile/laugh. 

MOVIE REVIEW | Pacific Rim : Modern Propaganda

Pacific Rim : Modern Propaganda

After watching Pacific Rim tonight, I told a colleague that the ending would have been better if the female protagonist had died in the end. And that it would actually be better if both protagonists died. It would have been more tragic, and thus memorable. Much like the celebrated plot of Romeo and Juliet. I was telling her that it is in human nature to seek for the ultimate expression of love- death!

Monday, August 5, 2013

JOURNAL | No Spending This Holidays

No Spending This Holidays

5-day holiday in Oman. So it's going to be one long holiday after all. I'm really concerned about the number of emails that will pile up throughout the holiday. And this is exactly the reason why I am not looking forward to spending holidays. Also, the long absence sort of cuts me from my momentum. It's hard to gain speed when you wake up from a slumber. But I guess I'll just have to keep myself busy and do something productive. I just have to decide what productive is.

I'm thinking of going to Dubai for the holidays but that would mean spending so much, when spending should be the last in my priorities right now. Or I could just buy myself a new gadget, like tablet. But again, that would involve spending. I'm beginning to feel stingy. Anyhow, prudence is a virtue.

So- no spending. Just do something productive. And that's final.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

JOURNAL | French Classes 2.0

French Classes 2.0

Today marks the beginning of my French adventure. I am giving myself a second chance of learning French all over again. And this time I really want to make it right. I was not the best student back in the heydays, but I swear- I am going to exert effort to learn the language.