ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Sunday, December 22, 2013

TRAVEL | Abu Dhabi Itinerary

Abu Dhabi Itinerary

Day 1 : Wed, 25th Dec. 2014 : Abu Dhabi

02:00               Arrival via British Airways Flight 72 @ 01.30 hours
08:00 - 09:00    Breakfast
10:30 - 11:30    St. Joseph's Cathedral Abu Dhabi
12:00 - 13:00    Lunch at... 

Saturday, December 21, 2013


I found this photo contest over the net and thought it will be interesting to join.

Speed/adrenaline, thrill of excitement, emotion of the moment?

If I'm joining this contest then I would have to make the most out of it. I will have to win this and prove what indeed defines the heart skipping warming photos.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

JOURNAL | Coming Up

Will be doing some hotel site inspections in the following days. So excited to shoot the hotels and get some nice photos at the end of the event.

Monday, November 25, 2013

TRAVEL | Backpacking Dubai 2013

Backpacking Dubai 2013

A day in Dubai

Dubai is a really nice place to visit simply because the transportation system in this Arab emirate is highly developed among all other Arab countries. The subway runs through the most important parts of the city. Taxis are cheap and drivers are knowledgeable of the destination. 
The only thing that a backpacker should get wary of are prices of shopping items. They don't come cheap. So better save up a little more when you intend to do some spending. Food though is reasonable.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

TRAVEL | Pinoy Guide in Dubai Backpacking

Pinoy Guide in Dubai Backpacking

One of the many perks of working in the GCC is that you can travel to nearby countries during your free days. Just a couple of weeks ago, I decided to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi for a short trip. For the benefit of those backpackers who are also interested to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi, here are some travel tips I can give you. As a backpacker, I think that some of the most important skills that you should learn is how to be- insensitive, patient and understanding. Once you've mastered this, nothing can get in your way even the most pathetic people in the whole universe can't bring you down.

LIFESTYLE | Lea Salonga at Marie's Crisis Piano Bar at NYC - "On My Own" & "A Whole New World"

Lea Salonga at Marie's Crisis Piano Bar at NYC - "On My Own" & "A Whole New World"

I have always been a fan of Lea Salonga ever since I was a kid. She's one of the few Filipino singers who's timely, relevant and classy. And her voice remains the same through the years. Some of her unforgettable songs were "A Whole New World" (Aladdin), "On My Own" (Les Miserables), "Reflection" (Mulan), and many more from the Musicals.

Friday, November 22, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW | Hunger Games : Catching Fire

Hunger Games : Catching Fire

I just want to make this very quick. I must say that I expected more from the sequel and was disappointed that the movie failed to deliver.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

EVENT | A Plea to Help the Philippines

A Plea to Help the Philippines

At times like this, when my country the Philippines is in grave trouble, I know that all acts of kindness will be very much helpful. I am going to devote my blog in order to raise awareness on what's happening to my country so that more and more people can extend hands and give whatever they can. We as a nation cannot depend on the government anymore because politicians are caught in limbo, clueless on what to do on crisis like this. And days have gone by without any much progress. Truth hurts but the government is pretty useless at the moment. So I urge everyone, all netizens of the world to please help us. Many lives have been lost and we just want to save the survivors.

Monday, November 11, 2013

LIFESTYLE | Ariella Arida's Good Angles

Ariella Arida's Good Angles

In retrospect, Ariella has good photo angles which are simply fitting for a Miss Universe. I just felt that the MU photographer has deliberately sabotaged her photos and made her look so manly. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

TRAVEL | Bandar Khayran, Oman

Bandar Qayran Khayran Kayran Oman

Bandar Khayran, Oman

This weekend, we decided to leave the city and stay overnight at the beach. I had no idea where we were going. All I knew was that it was going to be a 45-hour drive. I said yes, why not. 
It was night and the path was unknown to me. After passing Qantab, I was clueless as to where we were heading.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

ARTICLE | Problem Solving

Problem Solving

What does it take for a country to develop? This was the main question I've discussed with a good friend of mine from the UK. From a Western perspective, Asians are way behind other developed nations not because we lack resources.

Monday, October 14, 2013

SPORTS | Yuna Kim 2010 & 2013

Yuna Kim 2010 & 2013

And recently I have been into watching figure ice skating, I'd like to share the brilliance that is Yuna Kim aka Queen Yuna on the ice rink. Words just fail me. Yuna transcends skating and emotions all too well which makes her so adorable to watch. There's no fear of her getting hurt on her stunts so we as an audience could just sit back and get awed at her performance. Below are some of the best skating stints of Yuna from 2010 and the recent 2013 World Figure skating which she won first with a staggering lead over Kostner from Italy (2nd) and Asada of Japan (3rd). I am looking forward to watching her at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

MOVIE REVIEW | The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) : Quotes from Evelyn

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) : Quotes from Evelyn

I just realized that I have not been writing seriously for this blog. All I've ever done is to write what other people could already have in their mind, and that's what I cared for. I never gave myself a chance to be heard. This is my blog after all, and the sole reason this was created was for me to voice out my sentiments. Thanks to Evelyn in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel that I now figured why I'm not doing this blog any justice. I'd like to remember the beautiful quotes that Evelyn pointed out in the movie.

MOVIE REVIEW | The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is simply delightful to watch. It's still the typical Hollywood movie but it talks about a theme closer to reality which is 'old age.' Everybody is inevitably going to get old and it is nice to know how our lives must just end up in the near future.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 16 : Les Histoires Courtes Francais Du 19e et 20e Siecle

Journal 16 : Les Histoires Courtes Francais Du 19e et 20e Siecle

Dimanche 15 septembre 2013

J'ai commence a lire un livre intitule "French Short Stories in the 19th and 20th Century." C'est interessant. J'aime beaucoup les histoires dans le passe. J'apprends sur la vie, l'economique, la sociologie, la politique et l'histoire d'amour surtout tres interessante. Le livre est en anglais mais le sujet est francais.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

SPORTS | UAAP Cheerdance Competition 2013 Results

UAAP Cheerdance Competition 2013 Results

And so we come to this year's edition of UAAP Cheerdance Competition aka CDC 2013. This is what I want to call the laglagan year of the perennial winners and the sinuwerte year for those in the offing. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 15 : La Meme Jour

Journal 15 : La Meme Jour

Mercredi, 11 septembre 2013

Aujoud'hui c'est la meme chose que les autres jours- fatigue de travailler dans le bureau. J'ai oublie de manger/dejeuner deja parce qu'il y a beaucoup a faire. Et le temps n'est pas suffisant. La probleme est qu'il y a plusieurs choses que je ne sais pas. Par exemple, repondre a un e-mail d'habitude je fais des erreurs. Et mon superieur pense que je fais quelque chose de complique.

Peut-etre que c'est vrai. Je ne prefere pas prendre la methode facile. Je crois que si tu fais quelque chose tu vas avoir d'excellents resultats.

JOURNAL | Journal 14 : Les Philippines Me Manquent

Journal 14 : Les Philippines Me Manquent

Mardi, 10 septembre 2013

Les Philippines me manquent car il y a plusieurs chose que je voudrais faire comme manger de la cuisine philippine avec ma famille ou mes amis. Je me manque promener dans les grands batiment en ville ou boire au Starbucks dans un endroit part calme. Me manque ou peut-etre faire du jogging sur le campus, voyage a lieu que je ne connais pas, lire un nouveau livre, dormir pendant midi.

JOURNAL | Journal 13 : Je Deteste La Cigarette

Journal 13 : Je Deteste La Cigarette

Lundi, 9 septembre 2013

Hier soir mes camarade de chambre allemand et tunisien mangeaient du des pates jusqu'a minuit. Ils fumaient aussi donce la maison sent meme la cigarette. C'est terrible. Je deteste la cigarette et je pense que les gens qui fument ne sont pas de sensibles. Ils savent que ce n'est pas permis de fumer. Ils sont plus vieux que moi donc je ne veux pas rien leur dire.

JOURNAL | Journal 11 : J'adore Les Nouvelles Technologies

Journal 11 : J'adore Les Nouvelles Technologies

Mercredi, 4 septembre 2013

J'adore Facebook. Je parle avec mes amis et ma famille sur Facebook. C'est rapide, facile et libre. Il y a beaucoup d'informations sur Facebook. C'est vraiment incroyable.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

BOOK | Les Expressions Courantes Dans Ma Classe Francaise

Les Expressions Courantes Dans Ma Classe Francaise

Voici les mots et les expressions que mon professeur a dit dans la classe.

BOOK | Latitudes 2 : Parcours d'apprentissage

Latitudes 2 : Parcours d'apprentissage

Voici les quatre modules dans le deuxieme livre.

BOOK | Latitudes 1 : Parcours d'apprentissage

Latitudes 1 : Parcours d'apprentissage

Voici les quatre modules dans ma classe francaise pendant deux annees.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 10 : J'adore Les Nouvelles Technologies

Journal 10 : J'adore Les Nouvelles Technologies

Mercredi 4 Septembre 2013

J'adore Facebook. Je parle avec mes amis et ma famille sur Facebook. C'est rapide, facile et libre. Il y a beaucoup d'informations  sure Facebook. C'est vraiment d'incroyable.

JOURNAL | Journal 8 : Des Expressions Francaises et Anglaises

Journal 8 : Des Expressions Francaises et Anglaises

Lundi 2 Septembre 2013

Il y a beaucoup des expressions francaises interessantes que j'ai trouve dans mon livre. En voici quelques exemples:

Sunday, September 1, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 7 : Philadelphia

Journal 7 : Philadelphia

Dimanche 1er septembre 2013

J'ai vu le film "Philadelphia" la semaine derniere. C'est l'histoire d'un avocat homosexuel qui n'a pas dit a son patron qu'il a le SIDA. Quand le patron a l'apprends qu'il est malade, il est renvoye. Il s'appelle Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks). Il est un brillant avocat . 

JOURNAL | Journal 6 : Meme Etudes

Journal 6 : Meme Etudes

Mercredi 28 aout 2013

Hier soir, j'ai rencontre Maria a KFC. J'etais surpris parce qu'elle s'est presentee. J'ai dit qu'elle a etudie le francais a l'universite comme moi. Et elle n'a pas utilise la langue pendant longtemps. C'est la raison qu'elle recommence ai etudie le francais.

LIFESTYLE | Arabic Songs - My New Found Love

Arabic Songs - My New Found Love

C'est La Vie

My theme song for 2013.

From the 2012's album- C'est La Vie, comes one of the most uplifting/inspiring arabic music I've heard in my life. It sounds like you're being invited to celebrate, dance and sing because that's what life is all about. Sung by Algerian singer Khaled in collaboration with RedOne productions (yes, the RedOne you hear on J. Lo's recent music). 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

MOVIE REVIEW | Philadelphia


I was 7 years old when this movie came out. Back in 1993, AIDS was still unknown and people were clueless about what this dreaded this all about. They only had fear about the sickness. And people who contracted the disease became unwilling victims of social discrimination.

Friday, August 30, 2013

BOOK | Just in- Revenge Wears Prada / French Short Stories

Revenge Wears Prada

Got a copy of the sequel to "The Devil Wears Prada (Lauren Weisberger) and I'm just so excited to finish this book today.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

JOURNAL | Journal 5 : Le Telephone

Journal 5 : Le Telephone

le 27 aout 2013

Aujhourd'hui tout le monde est alles a KFC pour le dejeuner. J'etais seul dans le bureau. Ensuite, le telephone a sonne. J'ai decroche le telephone et parle avec la personne. En angalis, j'ai dit, "Allo..." mais la personne a repondu en francais. Donc, j'ai repondu, "Bonjour, comment tu t'appeles?" En fait, je n'ai pas compris le nom de la personne mais j'ai realise que c'est impoli d'utiliser "tu" avec  un etranger particulierement quand c'est ton client au telephone.

JOURNAL | Journal 4 : La Semaine Derniere

Journal 4 : La Semaine Derniere

le 25 aout 2013

La semaine derniere, je ne suis pas alle n'importe ou. Je suis reste a la maison. J'ai beacoup dormi. J'ai fait la lessive. Et j'ai nettoye ma chambre.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

JOURNAL | Upcoming Entries : August 25 - 30

Upcoming Entries : August 25 - 30

It's Omani week for my blog next week so expect to read some Omani related topics. A few things to write about in the coming weeks,

JOURNAL | Journal 2 : Comment Cuire Des Spaghettis

Journal 2 : Comment Cuire Des Spaghettis

le 19 aout 2013

Ce soir, j'ai fait cuire des spaghettis. Il est facile. Il faut juste faire bouillir de l'eau et ajouter de l'huile et du sel pendant 5 minutes.

JOURNAL | Journal 1 : Pourquoi Je Veux Apprendre Le Francais Encore

Journal 1 : Pourquoi Je Veux Apprendre Le Francais Encore

le 18 aout 2013

Je veux apprendre le francais parce que je veux continuer mes etudes a l'universite.
J'ai etudie le francais pendant que deux ans mais je me suis arrete.

LIFESTYLE | Debunking Beauty Myths from Idol Kim's Stand Up Comedy

Debunking Beauty Myths from Idol Kim's Stand Up Comedy

I know this is kind of lame to discuss something that comes out of a comedy spectacle. But you know, there are some truths that we'll find useful in some comedian's insights. Though they may be quite exaggerated, there is still that universal truth ingrained within every exaggeration.

MOVIE REVIEW | James Wan's "Insidious" and "The Conjuring"

James Wan's "Insidious" and "The Conjuring"

A couple of weeks ago, I was able to watch two scary movies. I'm not a fan of scary movies to be honest. I just feel like this genre is just a waste of time. Plus, I have a vivid imagination which does not help when you go to bed at night and the lights are all off.

But still I watched the movie. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

LIFESTYLE | Jokes are Culture Sensitive

Jokes are culture sensitive

I was telling my colleagues some homegrown Filipino jokes translated to English and the effect... well not so much funny as expected but still works. And then it hit me- you can't expect people to just get jokes, and you don't really get to explain a joke otherwise that defeats the whole point. I just felt like a sore loser when I had to explain this and that about a joke that I cracked.

LIFESTYLE | Wanda Sykes on First Black President

Wanda Sykes on First Black President

I find Wanda Sykes really funny. It's the way she delivers her lines that really tickles me. I mean, I can't copy how she does what she does. And best part of it is she is so natural at it. The mere image of Wanda is enough to make you smile/laugh. 

MOVIE REVIEW | Pacific Rim : Modern Propaganda

Pacific Rim : Modern Propaganda

After watching Pacific Rim tonight, I told a colleague that the ending would have been better if the female protagonist had died in the end. And that it would actually be better if both protagonists died. It would have been more tragic, and thus memorable. Much like the celebrated plot of Romeo and Juliet. I was telling her that it is in human nature to seek for the ultimate expression of love- death!

Monday, August 5, 2013

JOURNAL | No Spending This Holidays

No Spending This Holidays

5-day holiday in Oman. So it's going to be one long holiday after all. I'm really concerned about the number of emails that will pile up throughout the holiday. And this is exactly the reason why I am not looking forward to spending holidays. Also, the long absence sort of cuts me from my momentum. It's hard to gain speed when you wake up from a slumber. But I guess I'll just have to keep myself busy and do something productive. I just have to decide what productive is.

I'm thinking of going to Dubai for the holidays but that would mean spending so much, when spending should be the last in my priorities right now. Or I could just buy myself a new gadget, like tablet. But again, that would involve spending. I'm beginning to feel stingy. Anyhow, prudence is a virtue.

So- no spending. Just do something productive. And that's final.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

JOURNAL | French Classes 2.0

French Classes 2.0

Today marks the beginning of my French adventure. I am giving myself a second chance of learning French all over again. And this time I really want to make it right. I was not the best student back in the heydays, but I swear- I am going to exert effort to learn the language.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

CORPORATE | Lessons from Boss

Lessons from Boss

There are days/nights when I think about the amazing bosses I've worked with in the past. I figured that most of my bosses are non Filipinos (except for the big wigs at Citibank, NA during my internship). I worked with Korean, American and now German. I feel like my corporate training has become so multi cultural. For this series, I would like to share important lessons from my bosses.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

JOURNAL | Adapting to diverse cultures for development

Adapting to diverse cultures for development

They say that when the gods created the island of the Philippines, they were so happy they made 1,106 more. So goes one of the folktales in our literature. True enough, this god-given gift gave life to a diversity which we now call Filipino culture. For the thousand and more islands in the land bore the richness of unique cultures each displaying the Filipino spirit, alive in every sense of the word. No matter where you go, great surprises await you. From Aparri to Jolo, you can never miss out on the distinctive Filipino-ness that separates us from other Asian countries. The pearl of the orient seas, as we are fondly called, continue to amaze foreigners as they see the defining characteristics of the Filipinos, resilient and optimistic.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

TRAVEL | Oman Escapades : Prologue

Oman Escapades : Prologue

Okay! So I'm in Oman as of this writing. I can imagine you saying "What the hell are you doing there?" 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

JOURNAL | Analyzing the Audience and Content

Analyzing the Audience and Content

As a communication major, I know that audience is a key ingredient in the success of any business venture. You have to know their behavior and movement, follow them accordingly but in such a way that will not jeopardize your credibility. It's really a skill, but the be and all of writing on the net is to be heard. And to be heard, you have to be relevant.

Friday, June 21, 2013

LIFESTYLE | Habits of the Filipino Jerk (with Annotations)

Habits of the Filipino Jerk (with Annotations)

Here's an article I found over the net, written by Anton Conejos. It discusses a few simple truths about the Filipino society.  
According to Conejos, other nationalities can be stereotyped as French-arrogant, British-stiff and Americans-I own the world. The Filipinos have their distinction however.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

FOOD | Gastro Trip in Cambodia and Thailand 2013

Fish Amok

Gastro Trip in Cambodia and Thailand 2013

And just because I have plenty of time to upload photos and weave my stories, here comes the gastro part of my trip.

Let me just say that Pinoy and Thai food are totally different. There is no resemblance at all. If anything, it might be the penchant for using too much oil. Yes, Thai food is sort of greasy as much as Pinoy dishes are. And no, Thai food is not necessarily spicy. They have this distinctive Thai flavor into their food. I think it comes from a certain plant. I don't know. 

I still prefer Korean food though. :)

TRAVEL | Bangkok, Thailand Photos

Bangkok, Thailand Photos

I am not the shopper type of traveler. I prefer to do sightseeing than spend on some clothes, shoes, etc. But Bangkok really lures a visitor with all the cheap but great buys you can find. So, in the end I found myself buying this and that. I even told myself that I will go back to Bangkok to do some shopping. I love this place. It is even cheaper than Divisoria. And the merchandise are, how can I say this, uhm- updated? Well, compared to the things you'll find in 168 Mall I think Bangkok has more to offer and more bargains that is. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

TRAVEL | Pattaya, Thailand Photoshoot

Pattaya, Thailand Photoshoot

Arrival in Pattaya, Thailand. Some of the best shots I had during my stay in Pattaya, Thailand.

Oh and by the way a lot of my friends are wondering how much I have spent in Thailand. So I must say that I spent a little around USD 150.00 (excluding the airfare). I'd say that it's really not so expensive to stay in Thailand if you live within your means. I am on really tight budget so I had to avoid too much spending like hiring local guides or going on a daytour. But in any case, it all depends on you how much you're willing to shell out.

TRAVEL | The Poi Pet Encounter : Crossing from Cambodia to Thailand Through Poi Pet-Aranyaprathet

The Poi Pet Encounter : Crossing from Cambodia to Thailand Through Poi Pet-Aranyaprathet

Crossing the border from Cambodia to Thailand was pretty smooth for me. I just called the receptionist to book a ticket for the minivan, which will will take me to Poi Pet. This is the entry to Thailand.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PHOTOGRAPHY | Siem Reap, Cambodia Photoshoot

Siem Reap, Cambodia Photoshoot

Some of my best shots in Siem Reap, Cambodia are below. Frankly, I had difficulty with landscape photography. For some reason, finding the best mode of my Canon EOS1100D in an outdoor setting kept giving me so much trouble. One minute it's okay, then a little change in the lighting changes the quality of the photo. Then the movement also determines the shots. But at least I got some decent shots.

Monday, June 17, 2013

TRAVEL | Backpacking 101 : Prologue to Cambodia-Thailand Trip

Backpacking 101 : Prologue to Cambodia-Thailand Trip

This article discusses the whole nine yard of backpacking in Cambodia including details of my expenses, itinerary and some personal tips in going around Siem Reap, Cambodia.

For backpackers like me (and I hope you are too), the most critical part of the trip is the PLANNING STAGE. This will help you save money and effort 100% guaranteed.

SPA REVIEW | (Defunct) Amistad Spa in Quezon Avenue

Amistad Spa

Amistad Spa is located along Quezon Avenue in Quezon City. The location itself is not so easy to spot if you have some trouble figuring out small signs on the road, especially at night. If you're coming from Diliman area, it will be on your right. If you're from Manila area, it will be on the left. But they will transfer to Tomas Morato quite soon. Details of the complete address has not been disclosed as of this writing.

Monday, June 3, 2013

SPA REVIEW | New York Spa (Timog, QC)

New York Spa in Timog Quezon City

For all you peeps out there who are looking for some relaxing spa, you need to check out NEW YORK SPA. It's not a fancy spa, but their staff are very skillful and know what they are doing. Just a caution however, don't expect too much with their facilities. But then again, you came for the massage and not for the facilities right.

Price.................... 8/10
Massage............... 9/10
Facilities............... 6/10
Service.................. 8/10

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CORPORATE | Oman Employment Visa Application Series : International Diagnostic Center, Inc.

Oman Employment Visa Application Series : International Diagnostic Center, Inc.

This continues the saga of the medical test for Oman Visa. This entry will provide a guide on how to find GAMCA Office and the accredited clinic.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

CORPORATE | Oman Employment Visa Application Series : GAMCA

Oman Employment Visa Application Series : GAMCA

Updated as of June 9, 2016

While it is true that DOH has abolished the GAMCA referrals, direct hiring is still a possible route for overseas employment medical testing.

CORPORATE | Oman Employment Visa Application Series : Search for the GAMCA

Oman Employment Visa Application Series : Search for the GAMCA

Another chapter in my life is yet to unfold. This time it's going to be Oman. I have very little knowledge of the country aside from the fact that it is in the Middle East. I previously worked in Saudi Arabia so I am expecting to have similar working environment. Anyhow, it looks like fate has already sealed this path. I originally intended to pursue higher studies but certain factors like personal investment and family expenses are always part of the bigger picture. This is the reason I decided to put my personal goal aside and focus on more pressing things.

Friday, May 24, 2013

BOOK | Unacceptable English

Unacceptable English

Here's a rundown of some unacceptable English,

LIFESTYLE | Activation-Synthesis Model of Dreaming

Activation-Synthesis Model of Dreaming

Here's an article I found at the back of my psychology notebook. Back in UP Diliman, I was so fond of staying in the General Reference Section of the library (on the first floor) to study for some exam, but most of the time I find myself jotting down some trivial information on things that capture my attention. That time I chanced upon this book on dreams and started reading. 

BOOK | Freedom of Expression : An Analysis of Its Veracity

Freedom of Expression : An Analysis of Its Veracity

We go through our lives not noticing the ambiguities of social realities. For instance, demonstrators who rally and picket in every corner of our university would argue that it is their right to exercise freedom of expression, moreso of speech. But if we think about it, the freedom of expression that people exercise is not out and out. Our constitution holds that like other rights, the freedom of expression is not absolute. It should be exercised within the bounds of laws enacted for the promotion of social interests. Certain types of expression are penalized because they impede social interest. The question now is this: In interpersonal level of communication, is there really such a thing as the concept of "freedom of expression?" Do humans really have that freedom to express what they want?

BOOK | Ferdinand Edralin Marcos : Triumph and Fall

Ferdinand Edralin Marcos : Triumph and Fall

This was a piece I made for my political science subject. I basically discussed how Marcos plundered the country and left the Philippines in pieces. But when I think of how Marcos wanted so much to give Philippines a sense of sovereignty by changing the name "Philippines" into "Maharlika" (in order to free ourselves from the shadows of Spanish colonial rule), by fervently advocating a Parliamentary type of government (as Filipinos were never ready for a Democratic type), etc. I cannot help but think that Marcos could have realized some important truths that most Filipinos especially the ones at the top, would instantly block. Just because changes will shuffle the existing status quo that we are currently locked in.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

BOOK | Qualitative Research : Advantage of this Paradigm

Qualitative Research : Advantage of this Paradigm

Qualitative research emphasizes study and observation of phenomena using techniques like case study, personal experience, introspection, etc. which facilitates in-depth probing of research data. In other words, qualitative captures the human-ness of the informants. The researcher is able to gather details like perceptions, thoughts, etc. without reducing them to mere numerical variables. Qualitative studies' subjects such as people and places are taken holistically. More than anything else, qualitative perspective enables researchers to know what is behind human behaviour and why such is happening.

BOOK | Boethius and Buddhist Philosophy on Desire and Suffering

Boethius and Buddhist Philosophy on Desire and Suffering

Buddhists believe that man suffers because of tanha (desire). Man desires wealth, power, fame, honor and bodily pleasure. These causes man to suffer as Boethius identified the reasons why in the process of desiring, man becomes miserable. Boethius pointed out that man's desire for wealth will strip him off from security; desire for fame and honor will strip him off from privacy; desire for bodily pleasure will strip him off from health. Analyzing carefully, we see that Boethius' and Buddhist's framework constitutes the same principles. First, Buddhists believe that for dukkha (suffering) to be overcome, he should let desires go. Boethius tells us that for man to be free from suffering, he should seek the highest good which is God. Both philosophies adheres to lift suffering from man by letting desires go.


From old file, Philosophy 10, July 28, 2004

BOOK | Nyaya Epistemological Framework

Nyaya Epistemological Framework

Nyaya Epistemological Framework is the synthesis of both Western and Eastern theories of truth. It is similar to Western theories of truth in a way that it believes that to be able to verify the validity of truth, coherence and correspondence should both be used. Nyaya also posits the truth similar to the rationalist and empiricist view because it relies on facts and logic. It is distinct from Western theories of truth however because it was mixed with Eastern traditions that focuses more on the spiritual aspects of truth.


From old files, Philosophy 10, July 28, 2004

BOOK | Indian Philosophy

Indian Philosophy

The Indian Philosophy focuses on the spiritual way of living and salvation of mankind. There are seven major beliefs in this philosophy which include: (1) Concentration on the spiritual; (2) Introspective attitude and introspective approach to reality; (3) Intimate relationship of religion and philosophy; (4) Monastic idealism; (5) Using reason but intuition as the only accepted method through which ultimate truth can be known; (6) Acceptance of authority to preserve tradition; and (7) Overall synthetic tradition/approach to reason and experience.

JOURNAL | Propaganda : Isang Maikling Kasaysayan

Propaganda : Isang Maikling Kasaysayan

Ang kilusang Propaganda ay samahan ng mga ilustradong Pilipino na nagsipag-aral sa ibang bansa. Palibahasa'y marurunong, batid nila ang mga kalabisan na ginagawa ng mga Kastila sa Filipinas. Bilang may kaya sa lipunan, naisipan nilang itayo ang Propaganda upang maipabatid sa Espanya ang mga repormang sa tingin nila ay dapat ipatupad sa bansang Filipinas.

BOOK | Muslim sa Mindanao sa Pananakop ng mga Kastila

Muslim sa Mindanao sa Pananakop ng mga Kastila

Ang mga taga-Mindanao sa pananakop ng mga Kastila ay naging matigas sa mga pagtatangkang pagsakop ng mga dayuhan. Hindi sila sumang-ayon na makipag-isa sa mga Kastila lalo't higit magpa-alipin sa mga ito. Mas naging mabagsik ang mga taga-Mindanao sa mga Kastila dahil pinipilit ng mga dayuhan na gawin silang mga binyagan samantalang matatag na ang Mohamedismo sa Mindanao ng mga panahong yaon.

JOURNAL | Filipino Affection

Filipino Affection

Of the three interpersonal needs of an individual (e.g. inclusion, control, and affection) affection occupies the Filipino mindset. This might be the reason why Filipinos are very personal and family oriented because they long to have someone to show them care and interest. Affection may easily be translated into "longing for love." Everything about love whether platonic, familial or romantic love, Filipinos love the feeling of having someone by their side and thinking that they will never be alone because there will always be someone to rely on. That is why once Filipinos make friends even if meeting those friends is just a matter of hours, they strive to win the acquaintance's approval. This is the impact Filipinos create in their society. In this regard, affection and the hope of winning as much love and attention , Filipinos have become polite, courteous and hospitable. These are the traits that foreigners easily recognize. This also sets Filipinos a stand out among other Asian nations. 

From my old files, Qualitative Research 100, January 30, 2006

LIFESTYLE | Signs That You Are Pinoy

Signs That You Are Pinoy

For my foreign friends and fellow Filipinos as well, here is a run down of the things that define what Filipinos are from an insider's perspective,

JOURNAL | Rituals of the Filipinos


Rituals are traditions and periodical practices. Filipino centrality of rituals confirm Filipino Communicative Behaviour. This is because Filipinos have so many values that reinforces rituals. One of these values is the concept of pakikisama (camaraderie). This value is so strong that a Filipino is expected to go with the flow (e.g. Christmas and New Year preparations of food, decorations, gifts, etc.) Another concept Filipinos uniquely possess is hiya (shame). It is so entrenched in Filipinos that one is compelled to bite the bullet just to show that they follow rituals. Otherwise a Filipino may suffer from ostracism from his community and may lose face which is highly valued by Filipinos.

From my old files, Qualitative Research 100, January 30, 2006

LIFESTYLE | Communication Theories

Communication Theories

Communication Process As Espoused by Laswell

Harold Laswell, proponent of the linear equation (e.g. the process has no feedback) stated his infamous process: who - says what - thru what channel - to whom - and with what effect. This process of communication aims to determine the significance of the source or sender, the message, the channel, the receiver and the effect that the message has as a whole.

JOURNAL | Crossing the Line : When Advertising Gets Insidious

Crossing the Line : When Advertising Gets Insidious

Insidious advertising or stealth marketing is an unethical issue in the media industry but has become so prevalent mediamen have learned to swallow it. In print media's news and advertising sections, ethics has become a clashing issue. The interest of the other simply cannot jive with the other one. Both compete for space in the newspaper with a normal distribution of 55:45 in favor of advertising.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

BOOK | Internationalization of the Bangsamoro Struggle : Book Critique

Internationalization of the Bangsamoro Struggle : Book Critique

The Internationalization of the Bangsamoro Struggle is important to the study of Philippine politics and government in a way that it shows the disparity between Philippine government and the Muslims in the South, especially those who are involved with the armed group (which I refuse to call rebels). These armed people esp. the MNLF has this ideology which Christians do not understand.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

JOURNAL | Kulturang Popular : Resistance at Evasion

Kulturang Popular : Resistance at Evasion

Isang magandang pagkakataon ang matalakay sa papel na ito kung ano ba para sa akin ang mas matimbang hinggil sa isyung inilatag ni Stuart Hall- evasion o resistance? Ayon kasi kay Hall, ang popular culture ay ang patuloy na tunggalian ng mga dominante/elitista at ng masa. Kaugnay nito, ang kulturang popular ay maituturing rin na kultura ng mga subordinates na hindi tumatanggap sa kanilang subordination. 

JOURNAL | Spelling Booboos...

Spelling Booboos...

I must admit that spelling was rather a challenge for me back in high school. I was looking through my old high school test papers and I found some rather funny spelling I made during a short quiz.

MOVIE REVIEW | Dante's Peak: Reasoning as God's Gift

Dante's Peak: Reasoning as God's Gift 

"The capacity to know and understand things for reasoning is a gift from God."

Sometimes when people are cornered in the middle of urgency, they have to stand and know where they should be. This is the reason why God gifted us with the intellect and be higher than any form of animal.

MOVIE REVIEW | The Mummy Returns : Historical Context

The Mummy Returns : Historical Context

Rick O'Connel with his wife Evelyn once again went to Egypt to gather some artifacts. They have found a bracelet called "Bracelet of Anubis" which had been worn by Alex (the son of Rick and Evelyn).

LIFESTYLE | Zarsuela


Ang zarsuela ay isang pagtatanghal na ginagamitan ng iba't ibang awitin bilang pangunahing paraan ng pag-uusap. Ito ay nagsisilbing instrumento para sa mga naunang Pilipino upang makapaghayag ng mga saloobin at kuro-kuro. Karaniwan nang pinapaksa ng mga zarsuela noong una ang mga tungkol sa pag-ibig subalit maaari rin naman itong tumalakay sa kasalukuyang panahon at pumuna sa mga bagay-bagay na di kanais-nais.

Ang zarsuela ay ipinakilala ng mga Kastila sa Pilipinas, subalit noon lamang 1914s sumikat ng husto. Gayunpaman ay hindi din ito nagtagal at sa paglaon ay napalitan ng bodabil o vaudeville. Ilan sa mga zarsuelang naitanghal sa ating bansa ay "Pag-ibig Sa Tinubuang Lupa" at "Dalagang Bukid."

Hango mula sa aking mga lumang tala, August 2, 2001

Monday, May 20, 2013

JOURNAL | Almost Losing It

Almost Losing It

There's a thing called limit, and by limit I mean that point where the brain cannot process any logical function. I am in that state right now but what makes this really worse is that my Internet connection is nothing faster than a lazy turtle/slug. Damn, I am at the edge of my patience. Just at the brink of losing it. A little more and I will hurdling this laptop on the nearest wall. !@#$ this Internet speed. It's just driving me crazy.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

JOURNAL | Rain Is Here

Rain Is Here

It's now raining in my hometown. It's only the middle of May and yet the heaven has decided to pour it out. I am not a fan of Summer either and between the heat of Summer against the inconvenience of rain, I'll prefer the rain. Summer for some reason irritates me, literally. I get all rashes in my body I feel like I am sick with some infectious disease. And it's really cumbersome.

Well at least the rain only makes the sky dark but also makes the air cooler. An opportunity for me to breathe. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

CORPORATE | The Risk Taker

The Risk Taker

I am embarking on another journey, oblivious of what is waiting at the end of the tunnel. Nothing is clear except for the fact that I am walking through something I have not walked before. It's sort of scary to think of the "uncertainty" but not knowing what lies ahead makes the journey even more exciting.

I am 27. Still at my prime, I venture into things that do not really make sense at all. But such is my personality- risk taker.

Monday, May 6, 2013

TRAVEL | Start Planning

Start Planning

I'm already in the first week of May and I have no concrete plans for my summer vacation yet. For the past week, my plans have been contingent upon others' schedules and I am really worried that if I prolong these plans then nothing will happen.

Friday, May 3, 2013

ARTICLE | Medical Health Care… or the Absence of It

Medical Health Care… or the Absence of It

In the Philippines, access to medical health care is synonymous to rain in Africa. For an individual to exert an effort to see a doctor means that the condition is in terminal case. Otherwise, the common Pinoy will opt to stay at home and ignore the symptoms of his unknown disease until too late.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

JOURNAL | Epilogue : The Man and the Alter Ego

Epilogue : The Man and the Alter Ego

They say that the ones with the biggest smile, the loudest laughter and brightest eyes- are the ones with the saddest hearts. I know this for a fact because it is who I am. Always putting up a show so no one could ever see the man in the shadows. For years I've kept that man hidden so that no one will hurt him. That man has been there, concealed and frightened of the world. The world is a mean place. And although that man has the purest heart, he chose to live away from this harsh world. He let his alter ego stand on the front line. The alter ego is more fierce, ruthless and cunning. He knows that to survive, one needs to outwit the other. That is the principle of survival. That is the dog eat dog world. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

PHOTOGRAPHY | Photoshoot Reminders

Photoshoot Reminders

As an amateur photographer and videographer, I find the profession both exciting and frustrating. It's exciting because this form of art is something that captures the moment and can be preserved for ages. Once a beautiful shot is recorded into a memory, it will never be deleted (unless you deliberately do so). That's the fun part of it. The frustration comes in the process of doing the photo and video shoots. Aww, the horror of all the problems you'll encounter when shooting is totally infinite (I'm just exaggerating). 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

JOURNAL | New Organizers

New Organizers

I have some new organizers for 2013... hurray for that. At least now I can do more planning and probably plan the future.

Monday, February 4, 2013

LIFESTYLE | Callum and Clinton's Wedding

Callum and Clinton's Wedding

I guess love knows no bounds. When you find the one, then that's it. No questions asked.
Below is the link for the wedding's article discussing about the events and the inside stories.

Friday, January 25, 2013



I was figuring out a movie that could excite me. Then I tried watching "Jack Reacher" starring Tom Cruise. But the copy was not that good.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

JOURNAL | Life and Death... and Something in Between

Life and Death... and Something in Between

These past few days, I've been itching to write about- life and death. As I've told myself, It's not like I'm going to die any time soon but we really can't tell right. It can happen to anybody. Death is as real as the air we breathe. We just try to avoid talking about it because we're afraid. Or probably because it's morbid. But for whatever reason, death and dying has not been a very popular topic.