FASHION | 16 Work Outfits That'll Make You Feel Like a Boss (And Look Like One Too!)

  In the world of professional style, the right work outfits can completely transform not just how you look but how you feel. From chic blaz...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

JOURNAL | Procrastination : Level 1 to 6

Procrastination : Level 1 to 6

Procrastination. The crime that I am most guilty of. That if you ban procrastination, then I will be a serious offender.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

JOURNAL | Tissot, A Worthy Investment

Tissot, A Worthy Investment

Ever since I was a child, I have been fond of watches. There was even a time that I saved all the money I can save back in elementary just to buy a waterproof watch. After spending my hard saved money, I soaked the watch in water only to find out that I was duped. Great, so the watch is not really waterproof. Just great.

LIFESTYLE | Prince Harry's Only Human

Prince Harry's Only Human

Prince Harry caught Nude!

I find it rather amusing to see how Prince Harry was spotted frolicking butt naked somewhere in Las Vegas. I mean come on, he's just a man after all. Couldn't really blame him if he couldn't do his wild fantasies inside the walls of the monarch's palace.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

BOOK | Hunger Games

Hunger Games

I'm saving my reviews for later but I just can't help upload this wonderful books and a group photo of the tributes. This is certainly one of the best books I've read in my life. I love the people, the story, the action, everything.