FASHION | 16 Work Outfits That'll Make You Feel Like a Boss (And Look Like One Too!)

  In the world of professional style, the right work outfits can completely transform not just how you look but how you feel. From chic blaz...

Thursday, March 8, 2012



I'm so lazy.
I haven't written/read/exercised/dated anything or anybody in the past few months.
I don't want to have my work as an excuse because certainly if I really wanted to do something then I can do it.

Fact of the matter is- I am just plain lazy to do anything.
And whenever I try to start something, I always find myself lost in the process thereby getting me nowhere but from where I started.
But there is that part of me that craves for something artistic.
Something that'll give me a fresh air on this routinary life.
This is such a routinary life and if I don't do anything to break from this bondage, then I'll be stuck here.

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