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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CORPORATE | Heads Lead the Body

Heads Lead the Body

Corporate bosses are the ones who set the corporate culture. You get a jolly boss, the staff underneath either become jolly and lax. You get a terror boss, then people tend to be panic suicidal and stressed but are productive. You get a middle boss, and that's what I have.

Miranda Priestley, my idol
There's really no saying which culture is better because we're all unique and the same applies to corporate people. As with anything else, an organism survives because it has adapted to environmental strains; otherwise it perishes. Corporations are pretty much like organisms in a macro perspective. If the existing culture hampers the growth of the cells in it, then chances are it won't perpetuate. Hope I made that point clear.

I am all for the strictest kind of boss, the Miranda Priestley type that fosters fear into the hearts of everyone and yet brings out the best in anybody. People are by nature lazy, well some may contest this coz some may be motivated enough but at least I speak for myself. If not pushed enough then the output won't be as productive.

So yes, Miranda Priestley, make my day!

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