ARTICLE | Why Mixing Wholesale and Private Label Clothing Increases Boutique Profits

If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

CORPORATE | Universal McCann Philippines

Universal McCann Philippines

And I thought I won't write today. But I just can't help it. Just before I go to bed, I want to share what happened today. I hope these points can help me become better in future interviews which I think would be a long road for me.

1. Punctuality

Why can't I just be on time. I always try hard to hurry but in the end I always arrive in my appointments late. This is already my second interview this month and I am late again for 30 minutes. I want to change this habit seriously.

2. Dress code. 

I know I exerted effort in making sure I make myself presentable but I still looked lousy and impoverished with my tattered belt and crumpled polo. Not to mention my torn slacks. I can't believe I go to Makati wearing this. But it's actually an issue of time rather than finances. I just can't find time to go to SM and buy the things I need.

3. Interview. 

Sure my English was good but my vocabulary just slips my mind and I keep muttering common words that do not really show what I am made of. I need to spruce up my vocabulary badly.

4. Appearance and Facial cues. 

More than anything is the face that sends the message to the interviewer. How can I be so presentable with my eye bags almost covering my face? I need an overhaul and I need to do it quick.


  1. Hi! I saw this post of yours in the internet. I am currently working at a TV station here in Manila and I would also like to venture out my skills by applying for top agencies. Would you share some of your contacts in McCann? How could I get an interview? Thanks so much.

  2. jayson.galvez@umww.com,

    These are the contacts of people I know in McCann Universal.

  3. Just wondering, what position (or dept) did you apply for? And the contacts, are they creative directors or some kind of big bosses? O_o

  4. I applied for Research Associate... they asked me how much my expected salary is, thought I gave too much of the average and away I go. But that's what makes it really depressing in the Philippines- entry level jobs come with really low salary.


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