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If you are a wholesale boutique owner, it is important to realize early that running a successful boutique typically involves mixing creativ...

Friday, October 17, 2008

JOURNAL | Semester's Almost Done

Semester's Almost Done

Finally, I'm almost done though I think I'll de really dead after this semester. But that's the least of my worries. What I am happy about now is the fact that everything will come to their place soon. Just one more subject, pass the paper and voila, that's it. Today I learned something useful from my professor. I won't ever forget her. Divide 24 hours into three, 8 for work, 8 for play, 8 for sleep. The last should always be complete and if I need to work over time, time should be taken from play. Hmm, makes sense to me. Next semester I'm still weighing up the possibilities but I might take just three subjects so I can have a lighter life and work at the same time. I may not be an honor student but at least I'm healthy. Health is more important.

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