These are the things which I have to accomplish after returning to the Philippines,
1. Find a new apartment for 2 to 3 people.
I only have one month left at Tita Dely's place so I'll use the time to find a new house. The logic for this is simple, I need to establish myself. My student BK is expressing an interest to continue studying even after I return to my country, so I need to have a proper teaching area.
Also, my sister is soon to be attending university. If she studies in Manila then I should share the house with her at least before she gets her own place.
If the place is far from UP then I would have to budget my time more conciously. Also, if I'm going to work in Standbyenglish again for a year then that would mean a travel of two hours from Makati to Commonwealth. But I have this option if staying if possible, should weigh things more.
Also I'm planning to find a part time job in Makati. Not call center fer cryin' out loud but something else. The pay is good but I don't want to suffer that much. Also, I'm looking after my health and physical appearance now. Yes, I'm vain. I will be vain if that's what it takes to be successful.
Having my own apartment would let me cook my own food and wash my own clothes. Calculating my expenditures on food and laundry amounts to a month's rent. I'll be able to reduce this once I can have my own pad.
Also I'm planning to travel more this year to other countries and places so it's going to be bliss if I won't have to worry about some people going inside my room messing with my things. Plus I get to buy my own appliances which I can't do if I am inside a boarding house. This means moe freedom and more responsibility.
I'm not sure if I'm going to find someone to live with me but I'm decided to have my own place now.
2. Buy a new cellphone.
At the moment, I need to buy a new cellphone which is stylish and trendy but not expensive. The reason for this is that I need to look more professional and start thinking professional because I'll be facing people who'll try to intimadate me with all their saviness. Not that I easily fall for this patheticness but an image is an image. Having a nokia 3210 won't look nice in an environment where everything is getting upgraded. Lest I look like primitive and not worth the time.
3. Finally, a new wardrobe.
4. Oh, start finding the right people too.
This is the networking part maybe. So I'd have to go out more often. That means Saturday and Sunday won't ever be the same again. Yes, God is still the center of everything but going to movie houses and malls alone is erased from my vocabulary. I'll be more socialite (sociable I mean).
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